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Federico Niccolini

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editore: Pisa University Press

The FRAMELOG project (acronym for “European framework for “Knowledge Triangle” in the Logistic sector”) was created to study and encourage the cooperation among three organizational macro-categories composing the so called “Knowledge Triangle”, specifically private companies, research centers, and high education institutions. The field of application is an area that is constantly becoming more and more strategic for both companies and national economies: Logistics. The investigation, thanks also to the international perspective adopted, is meant to have a three-fold  contribution: first, it proposes a deeper understanding of the necessary changes that academic and other educational institutions are called to implement to meet the needs of the Logistics companies; secondly, it provides some potential solutions to boost the creation of collaborative attitudes among Knowledge Triangle key actors in Logistics; finally, the study enriches the growing academic debate about the role of collaboration and of competences development in the turbulent environment of the Logistics.   Authors and contributors Università di Pisa (Italy) Giannini Marco, Niccolini Federico, Scipioni Sara, Gaiotto Beatrice   Italian logistics association (Italia) Bisogni Paolo   Bulgarian Logistics Association (Bulgaria) Rakovska Miroslava, Stratieva Styliana   The European Logistics Association (Belgium) Carvalho Dorothea,   Finance & Banking, Associazione per lo Sviluppo Organizzativo e delle Risorse Umane (Italy) Cotovanu Ana Maria, D’Acunto Federica, Spatafora Mario   University Of National and World Economy (Bulgaria) Kabakchieva Dorina, Stefanova Kamelia   Universitatea Transilvania Din Brasov (Romania) Foris Tiberiu, Marinescu Nicolae, Nicolau Cristina, Pisarciuc Cristian, Poțincu Cristian, Poți

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