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The criminalization of irregular immigration: law and practice in Italy

The criminalization of irregular immigration: law and practice in Italy
Social DRM
Titolo The criminalization of irregular immigration: law and practice in Italy
Editore Pisa University Press
ebook Ebook - Protezione/i: Social DRMPdf
protezione Social DRM

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Pubblicazione 2014
ISBN 9788867411467


The report presents the main findings of a research project on criminalization of irregular immigration

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The report presents the main findings of a research project on criminalization of irregular immigration. The core purpose is not just to analyze existing legislation – a limestone pavement furrowed by many grikes drawn by frequent changes and by decisions of the Constitutional Court – but to focus on everyday practice of Italian enforcement authorities. Our aim was to evaluate whether both legislation and practice comply with constitutional, European, and international law requirements. Moreover, in spite of the difficulty in gathering accessible data on the management of the Centers for Identification and Expulsion, this report attempts to evaluate the costs of management of irregular immigration. The system appears, even from a strictly economical point of view, both ineffective and inefficient. Last but not least, we sketch possible advocacy actions on specific issues.

Biografia dell'autore

Alberto Di Martino

Professore associato di Diritto penale nella Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna di Pisa. Ha effettuato soggiorni di studio presso il Max-Plank-Institut für ausländisches und internationales Strafrecht di Freiburg i. Br. e lo Institut für Kriminalwissenschaften della J.W. Goethe-Universität di Frankfurt a.M. Tra le sue pubblicazioni, i volumi: La sequenza infranta. Profili della dissociazione tra reato e pena (1998); La frontiera e il diritto penale. Natura e contesto delle norme di “diritto penale transnazionale” (2006);(con A. Bondi e G. Fornasari) Reati contro la pubblica amministrazione , 2008, seconda ediz.

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