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Training of Lawyers in Europe

Training of Lawyers in Europe
Titolo Training of Lawyers in Europe
Autori ,
Argomento Scienze giuridiche Formazione giuridica
Editore Plus - Università di Pisa
libro Libro
Pagine 176
Pubblicazione 2009
ISBN 9788884926173


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Lawyers of twenty-five European Union and Mediterranean Countries meeting in Rome to discuss and compare the initial and continuing training of lawyers, the presence of eminent representatives of the Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe (CCBE) and the approval of a final declaration on the training of lawyers constitute an event of extraordinary importance for the European legal profession. The twenty-five attending delegations of European bars approved a declaration that illustrates the lawyer’s identity in the current European society with highly innovative information in a perspective that goes far beyond the specific issue of training. The Declaration reiterated that the lawyer, guarantor of justice, of the fundamental rights and freedoms of citizens, must deliver high levels of quality and professional ethic and mandatory forms of initial and continuous training are necessary to achieve them. This is also the condition to protect the independence of the legal profession, its function in the general interest and to counter the prevalence of market rules on the specificity and the public relevance of the legal profession. These are statements of considerable importance in a period marked by the trend towards privatization of the legal duties of public interest and the use of economic and market rules as guidelines for society as opposed to the values of the person and of the fundamental freedoms set in the constitutions and by international conventions.


Biografia degli autori

Guido Alpa

Guido Alpa è avvocato e professore ordinario di Diritto civile all'Università di Roma " La Sapienza". È presidente del Consiglio Nazionale Forense. Dirige alcune riviste giuridiche ed è autore di numerose opere e scritti in vari settori del diritto e sulla professione forense.

Alarico Mariani Marini

Alarico Mariani Marini, avvocato, ha collaborato con Aldo Capitini nella organizzazione della Marcia Perugia-Assisi e sulle pagine del periodico "Umbria d'oggi". Attualmente è componente del Consiglio Nazionale Forense ed ha scritto saggi e curato vari volumi in materia di linguaggio, argomentazione e metodo del diritto. Dirige la rivista "Diritto e formazione" e la collana" Formazione giuridica" delle Edizioni Plus.
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