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Gionata Carmignani

Gionata Carmignani
Pisa University Press
Graduated in Aerospace Engineering in 1999 with a study on the application of the information technology to the development of concurrent engineering in manufacturing industries. In recent years is carrying out research in the field of Quality Engineering.

Titoli dell'autore

Design of the Quality Management for the HSE&Q integrated system

di Lucia Bonechi, Gionata Carmignani

editore: Pisa University Press

pagine: 256

Episodes like the incident of the Deepwater Horizon in the Gulf of Mexico remind us every time as the consequences of industrial activities always affect our lives, often in a decisive way. The Integrated Management Systems for Health, Safety, Environment and Quality are the instruments with which a company not only limits its impact on the stakeholders but it can create added value for all of them. In the management of integrated systems trough the Quality are implemented the operative tools and the crucial activities on which also the management for the health, the environment and the safety are based. This text is a manual that helps the design of the operational aspects of the quality management in an HSE&Q integrated system, following step by step the instructions given by the fundamental guide in this field, the ISO 9001 standard.

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